The Blue Night Blog

As GayRomLit winds down in Albuquerque, the ‘No Pouting’ Party seems to be puttering along with excerpts, comments, and contest wins. I’ll post two lists of entrants later tonight, and draw via tomorrow morning. (Hint, hint, there’s still time to put your name down for an ebook or a necklace.) I’m grateful for the…

Read More October 21 updates

The 2012 ‘No Pouting’ Party begins tonight at 12:00 am, Pacific Standard Time in the U.S. Most of the action will be centered around Selena Illyria’s Offerings Yahoo Group: There will be over 100 authors participating, with dozens of amazing prizes and exclusives. To celebrate with other authors who could not get to GayRomLit in…

Read More Revving up for the ‘No Pouting’ Party

Peter Salomon and the ever-wonderful, ever-incognito Authoress just sent me word that they mentioned me on Authoress’ blog ‘Miss Snark’s First Victim’. I’d written to the blog in July, just before Moro’s Price was published, thanking Authoress for indirectly helping me to refinine my loglines and query letters. I’d built the original story around a…

Read More some good news shared

Once upon a time, music was a crutch I needed before I could write at all. Like good chocolate and tea, or the perfect writing environment, the right music was part of many little rituals to activate my reluctant muses. I don’t write to music very much these days. The muses and I have reached…

Read More soundtracks

‘Maestro’ complete at 2800 words. Revisions on ‘The Black Wave’. Refined first two chapters of MORO’S SHIELD, sent rough synopsis to editor. Research Russian resort cities for COLD COMFORT. Epiphany on BLOODSHADOW: a way to cut another 5K off this 122K behemoth, and start the story faster. Character and plot outlines for an untitled fantasy…

Read More October 4 updates

Some review links for MORO’S PRICE: As I said earlier, a good mix of different ranks with some very clear positive and negative comments. In other news, I’ll be featuring my original character sketch for MP (done back in summer 2011), in late October. I’ll be part of a blog hop…

Read More Review links

Works in Progress: ‘Maestro’: contemporary erotica short story for a charity anthology: 700 words, researching subways and violins. MORO’S SHIELD: m/m/f erotic romance sci fi, 9K first draft out of projected 70K. MORO’S CROWN: m/m/f erotic romance sci fi, plotting series closure. BLOODSHADOW: high fantasy, in revision, 118K. LEOPARD’S LEAP: plotted, outlined, waiting on Mixed…

Read More September 27 updates

There’s been a lot of heated discussion on other online forums about reviews. I’m new to being reviewed, so I find the process fascinating. Yes, the negative reviews sting a bit. But I went into publishing knowing I wasn’t going to reach every single reader, just as my art isn’t for every viewer. When I…

Read More When a bad review is good

A hint, O Wise and Beloved Readers: while I love comments, I’m hoping to see cogent ones. Patchwork comments with no clear relevance will not be posted, no matter how entertainingly insulting. Likewise, if your email addy leads me to believe you’re pitching knockoff fashion items.

If you cannot pass a college-level Turing test, your post will not be seen on this site.

Added note: If you’re just doing SEO tricks to drive traffic to your commercial site, you will send vague messages with content lifted from online sources. When you use content lifted from online sources, and your email sig comes from ANY kind of obviously commercial site, my spambots will probably squash your message without me ever seeing them. Don’t let your real messages be squashed. Be coherent, be literate, be appropriate to the topics at hand. Convince me and my bots you’re a human.

THRONES OF DESIRE is loosely inspired by George R. R. Martin’s ‘Game of Thrones’ novels, but consisting of 14 original stories by various erotica authors. The e-book version went live on the 11th, and the trade paperback will be available on the 18th. I have a story in this one: ‘Saints and Heroes’, about a…

Read More Anthology contributor’s copies