
Now, I will be the first to admit that I harbor some ambivalence toward George R. R. Martin’s best-known fantasy series. I’ve never actually read the books. (I won a set of the first four and donated them to a reading charity; I’ve made the decision to wait on reading the entire series until the…

Read More Game of Thrones pop-up book

Decades ago when I was just beginning to muck about with crafty stuff, I had a mental block. I made miniatures of anything, because committing to a human-sized project seemed too daunting. I’m still shaking off that block. Every few years I try to create a larger tapestry, or book arts piece, or wearable art, mostly…

Read More Beaded gloves

Warning: I put on my pro-science hat here. Thanks to a friend’s generosity, I attended the February 1, 2014 ‘Parallel Realities’ discussion at Arizona State University. This is part of an ongoing series of lectures and other events called The Origins Project: “…an exciting transdisciplinary initiative that fosters new research and dialog, partners to transform…

Read More The Origins Project and sad little realities

Round Four of the Singer in Rhunshan e-pub cover: more texture in foreground, clothes, and trees. Deeper shadows. Highlights in the shadow-figure in the sky. The sig to the lower left is a stop-gap. I’ll be sending off my real one to my cover designer once we get this part nailed down. This is a…

Read More Further cover adventures (slight adult content)

It’s that weekend again, folks: time for DarkCon. If you like your SF&F and media conventions with a little more grit and spice than the usual corporate-run fare, and you are in the Phoenix area this weekend, check it out. From their main homepage: DarkCon is a fantasy, science fiction, media and gaming convention. It…

Read More 2014 DarkCon in Phoenix

Good news, everyone: I have found a skilled cover designer to do the text that I am obviously not qualified to go anywhere near. The designer and a pack of sharp-eyed folks in an online art forum found all the places I’ve messed up, and pointed them out. It’s called a critique, and it’s a…

Read More Singer cover, round three

I had an interesting criticism leveled at me over the holidays: someone told me I was representing myself as some sort of professional or expert at this mishmash of stuff I love. Coming from this particular person, it was not a compliment. After I stopped laughing (not the expected response, I’m sure) I had to…

Read More Professional or expert?

…And Hanukkah, Saturnalia, Sunreturn, Kwanzaa, Festivus, and whatever else anyone wants to celebrate. In the dark times of the year, we all need a little joy and sparkle. Which is why I took this two-year-old necklace, the first piece I made when I got back into right-angle-weave beadwork: And reworked it into this: Because I…

Read More Merry Christmas

A good workspace can enhance both inspiration and production, but it won’t magically do all the artist’s work. (This fits writing-related workspace issues, too.) One of the recent would-be insults leveled at me, as an artist: I ‘worked out of a kitchen’. The person who said it was possibly deflecting scrutiny from their own unprofessional…

Read More Craft Credo #3: Work is more important than workspace

Singer in Rhunshan is now in its more or less final form, hovering around 16,000 words/75 pages. Too big for a short story now, but respectable for a novelette. It is a romantic fantasy action/adventure with discreet hints of a male/male/female love triangle (but no actual sex in this part of the story), and a…

Read More ‘Singer in Rhunshan’ novelette inches closer to publication

I do most of my reading online these days, but I still love the physical feel of a real book in my hands. (With book artists, that’s probably a given.) I really like bookmarks – the civilized answer to turning down pages. I’ve made them from silver sheet, carved bone, and antique ivory piano keys,…

Read More Bookmarks and other anachronisms