
Emily Asher-Perrin has a great post concerning the Marvel Comics Universe Loki’s apparently-canon genderfluidity. Emily brings up the point that gender is not about sex acts but identity. Loki-as-a-woman is not presented in the MCU as a guy who sometimes seems to look like a woman – but simply is female, a person who refers to…

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I’m blabbing about art and armor today. When I really began reading fantasy and science fiction in the late seventies and early eighties, I didn’t pay much attention to the different portrayals of men and women on book covers. I loved those cover artists equally, shrugged off their foibles, and learned some basic principles of…

Read More Real women, real armor, and worldbuilding

I occasionally make digital art covers for other people, when I have time and my intermittent art abilities function properly. Here’s one, with text layout by A. G. herself. I think we did okay, for a creepy little spec-fic steampunky-sort-of-story. It’s only 28 pages, and under $2 on Kobo and Itunes. Go check it out. Blurb: Milton Jones…

Read More The Collections Agent, by A. G. Carpenter

In a few days, I’ll post complete images of a new book art piece over on my 2014 Book Arts page. Here’s a teaser: One of the joys of doing book arts pieces is that I get to use my old poetry, rather than trying to sell it for one cent a word in poetry…

Read More Arachne poem and book art

Yesterday afternoon I heard about the death of Robin Williams. Possible suicide.

I’d heard he was battling depression again, and I’m sorry to hear it took him away from us. Like many brilliant and creative people, his humor had the depth and edge of a person who learned early to hide pain with a grin.

I’ll miss him.

If you look in the right places, you’ll see the internet simmering this week over many different cases of plagiarism brought to light. Some of it is mind-boggling. Some is just pathetic. Wait, didn’t I write this post last year? Yes, something similar. This may become an annual thing. Amazon’s Kindle and CreateSpace may have…

Read More CreateSpace and Chernobyl

(Warning: the following links lead to the Scorching Book Reviews blog, and graphic adult sex scenes. If you don’t want to read them, if you are underage, or if you live in a place/culture/family where you are not allowed to read them…don’t follow the link. Simple, yes?) For the rest of us, the Championships are…

Read More 2014 Sex Scene Championships, Round One and Round Two (adult content advisory)

In 2011 a group of spec fiction writers (who mostly knew each other from got together on a modest digital anthology: Past Future Present 2011, from Copper Publishing. Some of the authors are major award-winners with stories at well-known magazines and publishers; others are talented hobbyists and up-and-coming writers with much bigger projects in…

Read More Past Future Present 2011 anthology

…as evidenced by the success of the latest Marvel Studio’s movie Guardians of the Galaxy. I saw it on opening day. It was great, a proper mix of irreverent humor, solid fight and battle scenes, decent worldbuilding a la Marvel’s comics universe, and unexpectedly deep character moments. A worthy and wonderful change from the Disneyfied, focus-grouped…

Read More Space operas rock

I’ve been asked to cite some of my favorite M/M and M/F* fanfiction writers and stories. Why do I read them? They’re brilliant. Some of the authors are moonlighting professional authors, some easily could be. They can give me grinding Plot-What-Plot erotica, deep angst, high comedy, and breathless romance – often within the same story.…

Read More Fanfiction Recommendations (adult content advisory)

I’ve had an on-again, off-again fling with the idea of self-publishing a fantasy novella. At each stage in the game, the beast grows a little bigger. From the original 6.5K or so short story I started years ago, Singer in Rhunshan is now over 33K. (As of 7-20-2014, it’s now at 35.5K. I think it’s…

Read More Adventures in novella writing