
To continue the fiber art theme, I’m discussing ‘constructed fabrics’, of which quilting and applique are subsets. In my version, I work finished layers on top of a support layer of fabric or felted interfacing. I use the end result as either accent pieces (book cover above), or whole backgrounds (award ribbons below.) They are…

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During the month of September, I’ll be part of this shindig: There will be excerpts, behind-the-scenes backstories, prizes…and maybe…just maybe, a special announcement. I’ll also be giving away a digital copy of my debut M/M romance novel Moro’s Price, as well as this glass and fiber necklace: Bear with me while we finalize exactly…

Read More Bitten By Romance’s ‘Tour of the Universe’!

Here’s a new setting for the ‘Amor’ silver book pendant I made back in October of 2001. I’ve been wanting to make a large, chunky chain or other hanging support. Silver filigree like the bail would have been great, especially if I studded big links with carnelian beads or cabochons. So would a scarf-necklace in…

Read More Amor Necklace

…if you haven’t already got a decent flatbed scanner. What kind? As long as it’s tabletop scanner with a decent sized image areas (must be able to at least handle 8.5×11″ image area) with good reviews, you get them in various brands from $40 all the way up to $1000 or more. You’ll pay extra…

Read More Artists: buy a tabletop scanner

I finally got the first eleven pieces uploaded to my little piece of! This batch includes glass micromosaics and beaded tapestries, but acrylic paintings and jewelry will follow soon. The link: Whether this portal produces sales or not, it’s a great display site for my older work…and hopefully a better venue for new pieces.…

Read More My art on SaatchiArt online

Over the next week or so, I’ll be finalizing the details on my shiny new sales portal at online. Even though I’m already registered there, I’ve got a lot of background work left: choosing art, deciding whether to offer prints, verifying shipping weight and dimensions for each piece, researching market prices, etc. Why Saatchi?…

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When I can afford to, I collect end-blown flutes and similar wind instruments. Occasionally I manage to play them without totally embarrassing myself. This is the most recent acquisition, a lovely little Yamaha recorder in translucent aquamarine lucite. For $.99 at a local thrift store. It needs some cleaning and minor repair, but I’m looking…

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I finally managed to see the first episode of SyFy Channel’s ‘Killjoys’. Wow. Bounty hunters in space, check. All major characters seem to have deep backstories, check. Writers not afraid to dole out explanations in context, check. Fight scenes! Gritty realistic future with highly contrasted settings! Great props and costuming! The promise of a big,…

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Sir Christopher Lee’s title for his autobiography. One of the most skilled, competent, badass character actors to ever grace stage or set. We in the US tend to think of him as a villain in Star Wars or the recent Tolkien movies, but he was so much more. He passed a few days ago, but…

Read More Tall Dark and Gruesome…

Back in 1998-1999, I needed another last-minute entry for the Beadwork Magazine/Interweave Press miniature beadwork exhibition ‘Up:Close’. I made this piece in three days: ‘Mom’s Mutant Cactus’. Dimensions: 3″ x 3″ x 3″. It’s a mutant because it doesn’t precisely mirror an existing cactus species, and because it has a blue flower. Until we get…

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In my typical ADD fashion I was reorganizing fabric yesterday, in preparation for some housecleaning. Found snippets of printed map fabric left over from one of the award ribbons projects. Remembered a possible book project I’d sketched, using digitized fabric prints of some old Southwestern mini-landscape paintings I’d sold to galleries years before. Why yes,…

Read More Dryland Codex (in progress, post 1)

There’s a writers group on LinkedIn I was considering joining. I’m not, now, because they require a headshot photo of all prospective members. (I did end up joining, after all; see update in Comments below.) I don’t have many pictures of myself not costumed or otherwise masked. They’re around. I’m just not happy about adding…

Read More Selfie or not?

While browsing for out-of-copyright quotes about maps, journeys, and wanderlust (for an upcoming book art project), I stumbled across some incredible wooden bathymetric charts. ‘Below The Boat’ creates unique, breathtaking maps of laser-cut, stained, and layered birch plywood, each following a coastal area’s underwater terrain. It’s a deceptively simple concept, brought to reality by skilled…

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