Author: Filigree

Artist and writer living in the Southwest USA.


Years ago, after a particularly tense quarter at a company I used to work for, some defiant soul hung this sign up in the break room. It was probably inspired by the bi-weekly forced meetings all departments had to endure before getting their paychecks. Meetings that followed one of two paths from management, depending on…

Read More ‘The beatings will continue until morale improves’

I am honestly trying to decide how to feel about a business practice I’ve heard of recently: writers (often erotica writers) who file the serial numbers off their earlier published work, re-do it slightly if at all, and publish it as new fiction under another title (and often a new pen name). It’s called mirroring…

Read More When writers plagiarize themselves

Courtesy of Tor Books, the noted writer offers a love letter to epic fantasy, explaining to the rest of the world why some of us adore gigantic, sprawling, multi-plotted stories. It’s worth a read. Author’s note 3-4-2014: I haven’t read a lot of Sanderson’s work yet, though I can say that Warbreaker was a solidly…

Read More Brandon Sanderson on epic fantasy

Now, I will be the first to admit that I harbor some ambivalence toward George R. R. Martin’s best-known fantasy series. I’ve never actually read the books. (I won a set of the first four and donated them to a reading charity; I’ve made the decision to wait on reading the entire series until the…

Read More Game of Thrones pop-up book

Decades ago when I was just beginning to muck about with crafty stuff, I had a mental block. I made miniatures of anything, because committing to a human-sized project seemed too daunting. I’m still shaking off that block. Every few years I try to create a larger tapestry, or book arts piece, or wearable art, mostly…

Read More Beaded gloves

Added 11-13-2021, see note below!) Here in the US, writers are getting some interesting incentives. Late last year, we heard about Detroit’s plans to boost the local arts and literacy scene through a permanent residency program for authors. Basically, authors promise to stay in a Detroit house and put down roots in the community, and…

Read More All aboard: free houses and train residencies for writers

I had conclusive proof today of something I’d noticed before on several fanfiction sites: stories with happy endings get more hits, faster, than stories with unhappy endings. (Author update,  February 28, 2014: the two stories in question are in the same fandom, and are virtually identical in word count. The angsty one was released on…

Read More Simple lessons from fanfiction (some adult content)

Rounding out our week of Valentine’s-inspired M/M flash fiction are three more short pieces. Evelise Archer gives us ‘Valentine’s Jeans’: a happily married couple get a chance to recreate special moments, courtesy of their teenage daughter . Kate Lowell shares ‘Fire, Fur, and Faulty Genetics’: an alpha werewolf and a slightly magic-challenged witch celebrate love, trust, and…

Read More M/M flash fiction, Day 7 (adult content advisory)

(This is set in my Lonhra Sequence universe, which readers of my Cleis Press story ‘Saints and Heroes’ might remember. These two men aren’t lovers yet, but I thought their meeting deserved more than the two sentences it has in my notes.) The bribed bailiff walked around a corner, her sandals slapping on dusty pavement.…

Read More Out of Omiesh (M/M flash fiction: adult content advisory)

From its beginning four years ago, the fanfiction archive Archive Of Our Own has grown at a stunning rate. On February 14, 2014 the site passed 1,000,000 individual fan works including stories, poems, screenplays, art, and videos in thousands of different fandoms. They’re celebrating here. If you have any interest in fanfiction and transformative works,…

Read More One million fanworks

Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody! Our blog hop begins with M/M flash fiction from Heloise West and Jena Wade. Since my system may be down for an upgrade tomorrow, Saturday’s offerings will be from Amelia Bishop and Mina Kelly. I toyed with offering you a tagline for each story, but even that might ruin the moment.…

Read More Valentine’s M/M flash fiction Day 1 and 2 (adult content advisory)