Author: Filigree

Artist and writer living in the Southwest USA.


A PSA for writers in multiple genres with query-ready manuscripts (finished & polished): if you and/or your characters meet certain qualifications, you can participate in tomorrow’s #DVpit contest on Twitter. It’s being sponsored by agent Beth Phelan, and looks to include a lot of well-known literary agents and editors (usual caveats apply). This is a…

Read More Diverse Voices pitch contest 4-19-2016

(Because usually I have the opposite problem, clocking in SFF tomes of 130K to 160K, which must all be pruned.) Anyway, I’m glad the reader liked the book. I was a little puzzled at first, when they mentioned, “The book is too short” And I fired off a generalized funny tweet about it. Dear reader,…

Read More Dear reader, I’m sorry my book was too short

I am very happy to announce my association with the jewelry-making supply firm Since 2010, Plazko has been a go-to supply destination on Etsy for high-quality sterling silver and gold-filled wire, jewelry components, and silver charms. Last year the company expanded to its own online sales platform…resulting in thousands of satisfied return clients from…

Read More Plazko: Jewelry DIY for the rest of us

For the 14 people who regularly read this thing, do not panic. The Blue Night blog will be undergoing some cosmetic changes over the next week. I’ve set it up with the WordPress 2016 theme for the moment, as that is supposedly very stable and clean. Plus, no light text on dark backgrounds, for those…

Read More Do not adjust your screen

You know the moment when something, even the tiniest something, finally goes right?

I’m querying a mms that might as well be a roller-coaster, for all the ups, downs, and death-spirals it has gone through in the last three years. This current round of querying has only been a month-and-a-half, nowhere near the two years I spent ineffectually hawking Bloodshadow.

Sometimes, an offhand email request opens unexpected doors. A publisher I knew only in passing, is suddenly revealed as A Good Publisher. A publisher already dealing with many of the very good agents on my wish list, so just from that I can infer that both sides are of decent industry standing. And the publisher is actually viable, considering my weird mix of genres that might be homeless anywhere else. Not too small, not so big, a good mix of principals who seem to not only know but adore their business.

Thanks to that one email response, I’ve gone from crickets, slamming doors, and numb exasperation, to a small amount of hope for this new book. My query countdown has been given overtime. It doesn’t matter if no one else says ‘yes’ or even ‘maybe’. I have two alternate plans now, not just, ‘Well, then I’ll self-publish.’ Of course it’s not a sure thing – nothing ever is. But it’s a step in the right direction.

I’ve been away from the news, so I didn’t catch what was happening in Belgium until a couple of hours ago. My hopes and best wishes go out to Belgium and the entire EU right now. Serious political upheavals are testing that already uneasy alliance. The ‘Islamic State’ is having a temper tantrum again, and…

Read More cowards with bombs

For many years I was a registered Republican. My parents had been, that’s how I started my voting record. It didn’t take long for me to realize that Ronald Reagan was probably a sham worse than Nixon. But I stayed Republican, thinking I could work within the party…or at least help sabotage it from within.…

Read More Politics as usual

Confirmed. I have to say I’m flinching at this. Crystal Skull was just…so incredibly, unbelievably bad. So bad ‘South Park’ eviscerated it. Even with Lucas out of the picture now, there were still too many multiple movie sins for me to think the new one will be better. Harrison Ford proved in the new ‘Star…

Read More Indiana Jones 5?

Publishing…good, effective publishing…has defined stages. Ignoring those stages can lead to career-stalling gaffes like: Querying before the mms is polished, or even completed. Not researching agents and publishers before querying them. Querying publishers before agents. Not understanding that commercial publishing can have a backlog and/or schedule of years during the publication process. That’s been the…

Read More The Waiting Game

So, this is going to be really embarrassing for a good friend from long ago. Too bad. The summary: SleepsWithCoyotes is porting her fanfiction over to Archive of Our Own. My first reaction: fall over, giggling things like YAY! and OMG! My second reaction: adding her to the top of my Fanfiction Recommendations list. The…

Read More I cannot contain my joy

1. Mission Foods now has Gluten Free tortillas that approach the taste and feel of wheat tortillas. This is important. I am from the Southwest, and I know one great secret truth of everyday cooking out here: no matter what the filling is, once it gets folded into a tortilla, it is a taco. To…

Read More Continuing positive notes