Relaunching Bloodshadow!

I’m publishing a new version of my sword-and-planet fantasy novel BLOODSHADOW on July 10, 2020, through Draft2Digital.

At 40,482 words, this is a revised version of the first part of the monster 135K book that was on Wattpad some years ago.

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Projected cost on most ebook platforms: $2.99. I have plans for a print and audiobook version eventually.

Here’s the cover:


Here’s the blurb: Being a matriarch’s child protects clever, disabled Tel from deadly politics in their isolated hunter-gatherer tribe. When puberty forces Tel’s gender-neutral body to Change, the young woman discovers two unwanted abilities inherited from her unknown father. Shapeshifting into a weak, bare-skinned human is shameful enough to a furred and fanged huntress. Raising the dead is the worst of forbidden magics…but Tel will need both gifts when an implacable enemy threatens her entire tribe.

Comp titles: think Steven Brust’s DRAGAERA and ‘Taltos’ fantasy novels + N.K. Jemisin’s ‘Inheritance’ trilogy (with a touch of Andre Norton & Patricia McKillip). There are romantic elements in this story, especially later novels, but this part is really Tel’s coming-of-age, with her whole arc being called LIGHT ON WATER.

The Lonhra Sequence is a sprawling universe I began creating as a hobby/gaming background waaay back in 1983, and have built on since. Tel’s story takes place around the 3/4 mark of that vast 120,000-year timeline. (For comparison, THE PURIST takes place about 5000 years earlier, and MORO’S PRICE takes place at least 2000 years later.)

BLOODSHADOW will be followed by the larger sequel SOULBINDER (and a bunch more, depending on Covid19, climate change, and nutcases aiming for Armageddon).