2018 is shaping up to be an interesting year for two of the most venerated (and often controversial) Science Fiction and Fantasy awards: the Hugos and the Nebulas.
Here’s a Wikia page about 2018 Hugo Awards nominations, if you are eligible to nominate stories (or just want to see what’s already nominated.)
Here’s a handy list of available stories and samples, if you happen to be eligible to vote in the Nebulas.
These are pretty damn good stories to read (or buy!) too.
Why the pie GIF? Because while the Nebula Awards are a little more locked down as far as voting blocs and eligibility, the Hugos are still a battlefield between competing factions in the SFF community.
I’m out of the fray for at least a few more years, due to not attending the voting conventions, not having a standalone SFF novel to query agents or sub to large publishers, and general ennui with the process of literary awards.
That’s on me, though. I still would encourage authors and readers to follow along with the Hugo and Nebula adventure.