All glories I have wrought by hand and gift of seeing,
All dreams I have brought from dreamscape into being,
All mysteries I’ve taught, however fast or fleeting,
Mingle toward the truth I’ve sought: streams at the Sea completing.
Spirit of Probability, Spirit of the Single Path, I have sought you. You are not here. You are nowhere, but in me.
Spirit of Possibility, Spirit of the Branching Path, I have sought you. You are not here. You are nowhere, but in me.
Spirit of Serenity, Spirit of the Still Pool, I have sought you. You are not here. You are nowhere, but in me.
Spirit of Change, Spirit of the Fountain, I have sought you. You are not here. You are nowhere, but in me.
(A little secular prayer I began in 1985, and tend to say before every major undertaking. It helps me focus on what I want out of that particular project. I’ve always intended to make it into a book art project, and might yet.)