Tour of the Universe, day 25


It’s not too late! Stop by Bitten By Romance to visit with Edward Hoornaert on our last stop for the Tour of the (science fiction romance) Universe. He’s also on Amazon.

Why should you do this?

Because romance has come a long way from the really awkward, laughable days of the 1980s ‘New Romance’, when science fiction and fantasy themes were attempted by authors who’d never read SFF. (Lame tropes, reinventing wheels, nonexistent logic, no sense of wonder, rapey alphas and doormat heroines, the list of sins is so loooooong, and some of the perps are still being published to this day.)

Thankfully, there’s room in the genre now for actual scientists using actual science, military fic-fans and infosec strategists, experts and armchair travelers all carefully extrapolating some weird and wonderful places in which to set the oldest stories of all.

Also: because we’re giving away prizes, gang.

Books, swag, discounts, bundles of support and behind-the-scenes material, gift cards, I’m sure I’ve forgotten something. If you have a boring Tuesday ahead of you, scroll back through our blog posts. Like, follow, comment, whatever that particular poster says do to be entered into their particular giveaway. We’ll do all the rest, and have the results out hopefully by the middle of October 2015.

And thanks for joining us on the Tour.