Our schedule has been set for the M/M Valentine Flash Fiction blog hop. The hop starts Friday, February 14, 2014. Flash pieces will be 1200 words or under, and feature or include M/M couples. Warning: there may be graphic depictions of sex.
Beyond that, I have no idea – but there are some great authors in the mix, so this might be a golden opportunity for readers to sample new-to-them authors. I know I’ll be taking notes. Since we have seven days to do this and sixteen authors, we’re sharing days. The current line-up includes these participants:
1. Heloise West/ http://velvetpanic2.wordpress.com/
2. Jena Wade/ http://www.jenawade.com/blog/
3. Amelia Bishop/ http://ameliabishop.wordpress.com/
4. Mina Kelly/http://www.solelyfictional.org/
5. Kimber Vale/ http://kimbervale.me/
6. Shiloh Saddler/ http://shilohsaddler.blogspot.com/
7. Eva Lefoy/ http://writery.wordpress.com/
8. Az Moon/ http://azalea-moone.blogspot.com/
9. Dakota Trace/http://alittlebitofnaughty.blogspot.com/
10. Crystal Jade/ http://boundbybloodblog.com/
11. Crane Hana/ www.cranehanabooks.com/blog/ (Right here)
12. JT Hall/ http://jthallwriting.wordpress.com/
13. ND Wylders/ http://ndwylders.blogspot.com/
14. Evelise Archer/ http://sexyforreview.blogspot.com/2014/02/house-of-manlove-flash.html
15. Skye Jones/ http://skyejonesromanceblog.wordpress.com/2014/02/20/valentines-day-hop-dancing-at-the-vampyre-ball/
16. Kate Lowell/ http://thebluntinstrument.wordpress.com/2014/02/20/valentines-flash-evelise-archer-skye-jones-and-me/
Here’s where we’ll be, on what day:
14th: Jena and Jan
15th: Amelia and Mina
16th: Kimber and Shiloh
17th: Eva and Az
18th: Dakota, Jade, and Crane
19th: JT and ND
20th: Evelise, Kate, and Skye