The ongoing spam collection

A quick break from the ‘No Pouting’ Party.

Like every blog, this one gets spammed. Often. Most of the time the spam filters lock it up,  but I go through occasionally to see if there are useful nuggets. If I get several dozen great ones, they might become further chopped up and turned into art. Text-based artists are always scrambling for content. I’m happy that people send me this stuff for free.

Here are the recent lucky keepers, scrubbed of their origin:

1. In my opinion positive attitude a good number of enjoyable out there, along with your fashionth. Your lower limb are constantly toasty the moment achieving these people.

2. cheap wow gold usually has finest wonderful and comfortable cheapo wow gold

3. celandine elitism shuffleboard heada jhelisa remastered aukin trubus obligatory

4. i really ate exhortation at the hands of the best cousin to take specific diet solutions. And i came across our lida deeply type. the product doesn??t fasten a new freezer within your but if you have some self-discipline, It may help you across the right path. until recently, i’ve had have fun with lida but not so much with others. there is granted me nowadays capability, it can simple and yet the present time.

5. Please don’t communicate all your felicity to one reduced fortuitous besides your business.

Winners, all. Maybe not in their command of English, but as existential poetry? Golden. A pity most of them are bot aggregates of other texts.

6 Comments on "The ongoing spam collection"

  1. I seem to get only counterfeit – oh, sorry, *reproduction* – fashion accessories in the spam trap, alas. And here I thought the market for real Ugg boots and NFL jerseys was way down.

    What’s really funny? When the eventual art is made, it will probably sell for a few hundred dollars or more, depending on whether I make a unique piece or an edition. It may even make it into one of the avant-garde art magazines or a gallery. So I’ll make money and publicity off this farmed content. The annoyance of emptying spam every few weeks is worth it.

    1. I’m impressed at how well WP takes care of my spam. Plus whatever I’m doing with my e-mail seems to be working since I don’t have 200 spam messages every day, just 200 messages from stupid people, mixed in with the real messages (dog people can be even worse than writing people)

  2. I haven’t heard or read anything about it, and I’m on, not partively hosted, but I have in fact had quite a few spam comments slip through last week. Nothing major, but still. They go into moderation, though, since I set my preferences to commenter must have previously approved comment. Those spammers seem to keep trying to circumvent Akismet, but eventually it always recovers. Up to now, at least. Will it ever end?

    1. Your English is coherent. This may be spam, but it’s entertaining and it has nothing to do with fake handbags. Isaac, you get to stay on the island.

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